LTC2418, typical python code

Python code fragments are presented here,  taking data from using an LTC2418 ADC:  First load in the Almike Labs-supplied library, then call it.  The library is high level, and only requires basic setup (channel number, single ended or differential input etc).  

# python function to take data from LTC2418:

def get_adc_LTC2418_v3(style,update_set,f_channel,trace,speed,CE,time_to_sleep):  


    Acquire one sample of data from LTC2418 chip in 8 channel, differential input mode

    Inputs:  style = "SE" or "DIF"

             update_set = "SET" or "KEEP"

             channel number (0 to 15)

             trace  if 0 then no diagnostic output

                    if 1 then diagnostic output   

             spi speed (often 7629)

             ce (must be 0 or 1)

             time_to_sleep (seconds) typically about 0.3 to 0.5

    Outputs:  a list, list[0] is the actual data

                      list[1] is a diagnostic list [val1,chan_readback,parity_bit,sign,r]

                      so for example chan_readback would be list[1][1]

# calling the  python function to take data from LTC2418:

a = get_adc_LTC2418_v3(style,update_set,channel,trace,speed,CE,time_to_sleep)

#  typically the user would save this return data in a data base etc, then move on to take more samples.